What kind of heart Line do you have? Curved Heart Line or Straight Heart Line. This palm line is also known as the Love Line. So Let’s find out…
Curved Heart Line / Physical Love Line:
The palm line that curves at the end towards the fingers is known as a Curved Heart Line or Physical Love line (fig 1). So, individuals who have physical or curved heart lines can easily express their innermost desires and emotions in a confident and bold way. And when anything goes wrong in their life then they are the ones who can quickly pick themselves up and move on in their life.
Also Read: What Does Length Of Headline Tell About Your Personality in Palmistry?

Straight Heart Line / Mental Love Line:
The palm line that runs straight across the palm and curves towards the end (fig 2) is known to be a Straight Heart Line or Mental Love line. Individuals who have such heart lines are less expressive as they find it hard to express their innermost emotions and desires. They are very soft and sensitive people and due to this they easily get hurt in love. They tend to bottle up their innermost feeling and doesn’t like to create any drama in life and that’s why they usually suffer in silence.
Also Read: What Are The Different Types Of Hands?

So, what is the shape of your love line, Curved or Straight love line?