Who so ever is your most loved Mean Girls character is, you were likely attracted to that person since you saw something of your own involvement in them or possibly something of what you want to be in those days? Additionally, regardless of whether you truly have faith in astrology or horoscopes, there’s something about our zodiac signs which describes the kind of individuals we are, and the type of individuals we encircle ourselves with. So, if you wonder Which mean girl character you are according to your zodiac sign, then check it! I hope you would enjoy reading it and don’t forget to drop your feedback in the comment box.

Aries: March 21st – April 19th
Mean girl character: Regina George
Without a doubt, Regina was nuts, however, she was too enthusiastic. She has regularly let her emotions a chance to show signs of improvement of her, making her incredibly obstinate and hot-headed. She would never give up to get what she needed, and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Clearly, in reality, we would like to be more balanced, yet would you be able to think about any better explanation of this sign? So, Aries, it’s clear that Regina George is the perfect mean girl character for you according to your zodiac sign.

Taurus: April 20th – May 20th
Mean girl character: Janis Ian
People born under the sign of Taurus are unbelievably smart and quite same as Aries — obviously, they’re only silent about it, and will in general disguise things and process them by themselves. But they can ultimately burst from holding so much inside, which is never something to be thankful for. So, Taurus people Janis Ian feel your suffering.
Also Read : Zodiac signs Ranked from Nicest to Meanest

Gemini: May 21st – June 20th
Mean girl character: Regina’s mom
Geminis are known as “the twins,” which means they frequently appear to be two changed individuals without a moment’s delay. Regina’s mother played so magnificently by Amy Poehler, fit the bill splendidly. She was a mother, however, she was the “cool mother” who was dying to retain some of her greatness days by living vicariously through her little girl.

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd
Mean girl character: Mrs Norbury
Cancers will, in general, be very businesslike and concentrated on carrying on with a healthy lifestyle, complete with all the common luxuries of home and family. Mrs. Norbury may have been experiencing some crap in her own life; however, all she truly needed was a peaceful life. Cady wrecked that for her; however, Cancers are forgiving, so it’s everything great. So, Cancer it’s clear that Mrs. Norbury is the perfect mean girl character for you according to your zodiac sign.
Also Read : Most To Least Forgiving Zodiac Signs

Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd
Mean girl character: Gretchen Wieners
Leos will, in general, is somewhat profound, and vocal about imparting their thoughts. While Gretchen needed to stay silent under Regina’s rule, she just couldn’t help herself and needed to find ways to impart her actual sentiments to other people — however, this was more often than not to her own burden.

Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd
Mean girl character: Karen Smith
Virgos are normally charismatic and think that its fun to tell fanciful stories and makeup incredibly outrageous stories about impossible events, which others end up believing due to the previously mentioned appeal and charm. Karen probably made you think she truly could tell whether it’s raining with her boobs, isn’t that so?
Also Read : Most To Least Greedy Zodiac Signs

Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd
Mean girl character: Principal Duvall
Libras esteem equity and justice above all the things, so, Libra the mean girl character you are according to your zodiac signs is Principal Duvall and he is the correct you. All he needs is for his school to run effectively and with little trouble as possible. However, he didn’t leave South Central for this!

Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st
Mean girl character: Damian
In case you need to surround with somebody who’s certain to be the life of the party, spend time with a Scorpio. Damian is outgoing to the utmost, filled with camp and bombast, and he’s an inside and out total enjoyment. He sounds like a Scorpio. . So, Scorpio it’s clear that Damian is the perfect mean girl character for you based on your zodiac sign.
Also Read : Least To Most Jealous Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st
Mean girl character: Kevin Gnapoor
People born under this sign are entirely philosophical, and furthermore fantastically strong. They aren’t probably going to acknowledge being thumped back to the heart, and rather they return battling and will not acknowledge defeat, which regularly works out further bolstering their good fortune. Consider Kevin and his rap career (and his squash on Janice). He completely slaughtered it at last, even if no one would have believed he would.

Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th
Mean girl character: Glenn Cocco
Capricorns will, in general, be to some degree thoughtful and independent, but on the other hand, they’re down -to -earth, sensible and friendly, and along these lines, they end up being greatly loved by everyone around them. So, Capricorn, Glenn Cocco can be best men girl character for you based on your zodiac sign.
Also Read : Most To Least Funniest Zodiac Signs

Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th
Mean girl character: Aaron Samuels
Individuals born under the sign of Aquarius will, in general, be serene and unassuming, however, that doesn’t mean they’re loners in any manner. Aaron Samuels didn’t make a major to-do about his comeliness, yet that didn’t keep Cady (and Regina, obviously) from seeing it.

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th
Mean girl character: Cady Heron
Pisces can some of the time struggle with lack of self-confidence, as they’re profoundly delicate and sensitive to how they’re seen by others since from the base of things, they simply need to be adored. Cady possesses all the necessary qualities impeccably, so can be the ideal mean girl character for you based on your zodiac sign.
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