Happiness is something that is the basic need of every human. Everyone wants to live a happy, cheerful, satisfied life. As some of us are lucky enough to find happiness and feels it while some others, unfortunately don’t find happiness and are continuously in search of it.
Even the Astrology tells us which zodiac sign is the happiest and which zodiac sign is the unhappiest one. It’s time to check it out the happiest zodiac signs, according to Astrology.

Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st
Sagittarius is one of the happiest sign of the zodiac and there no doubt in it. Maybe this is all as they accompany this natural feeling of freedom and adventure. At the time when this sign feels sad, they have a work in break free system from the sufferings and pain that releases them directly back to their cheerful spot. Sagittarians are carefree individuals who are best when they are happy.
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Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd
Leos are somewhat like Sagittarius, they are happy with cheerful folks. Leos are optimistic people who yearn for inspiration and regardless of anything they will find it. While they probably won’t be as fully capable to magically erase the pain and sufferings in the manner in which that the enchantment Sag can, they are as yet one of the happiest zodiac sign of Astrology.

Aries: March 21st – April 19th
Balancing the fiery signs, Aries is a genuine happy camper. They have a carefree behaviour and an inclination to crack jokes constantly, however they are not constantly happy with the folks around them, and in case it concerns them, they let that ruminating feeling continue endlessly. Normally, they snap out of awful and sad mind-sets effortlessly as they intentionally want to be happy and satisfied.
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Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd
Libra has a soft nature, and they need to accept the situation for what they are; they do their best to keep away from the dispute, however, they surely don’t fear it. They’d simply rather avoid it, and in doing as such, they viably make a condition of satisfaction and happiness for themselves. Libra is a happy zodiac sign.

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th
Strangely, with such sappy, sensitive phlebotomy that Pisces is known for, these are truly glad individuals. Possibly this is on the grounds that they cry to such an extent… furthermore, I would not joke about this. Perhaps they’ve discovered that the key to happiness is to not curb their emotions, which, over the long haul, makes them the happiest zodiac sign.
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Gemini: May 21st – June 20th
Geminis dual nature permits them an open way to happiness at whatever point they so pick, particularly when they’re feeling down. It’s not possible for anyone to escape a funk like Gemini; they genuinely don’t enjoy feeling awful and sad. Gemini considers life to be a decision:-enjoy it, or feel sad about it. They generally pick better.

Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th
What keeps Capricorn upbeat and happy is realizing that they have the freedom to battle for what they need. These are extremely free individuals, and they don’t acknowledge constraint of any sort. Along these lines, they convey themselves in numerous ways. Their expressive nature gives them a free permit to go the condition of happy, whatever point and wherever they need it.
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Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st
Those of you who are born under the sign of Scorpio definitely realize that happiness is the thing that you make of it, and no one invests more energy than Scorpio with regards to own happiness. You’ll see them working out, remaining fit, perusing extraordinary books and eating legitimately since Scorpio finds happiness in physical achievements.

Taurus: April 20th – May 20th
This sign is not that unhappy, Taurus likes to be happy:- the main issue is that they regularly self-harm and end up harming themselves. It’s a revile, self-destructive nature, and Taureans themselves don’t comprehend why they do it over and over. Although when Taurus reaches that condition of super-glad, they are similar to the sun of the afternoon: continually sparkling.
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Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd
What makes Cancer the unhappiest zodiac sign is that they are forever discontent at the time. Happiness is always an objective, something to take a stab at. They don’t settle into the now minute since they don’t have faith in the present, thus satisfaction is a temporary idea that they once in a while again.

Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th
Sadly, Aquarians are kind of a hopeless individuals who will, in general, fail to understand the situation inevitably. Fun at others’ expense is well known among Aquarians, which translates as finding joy in the misery of others. They have the closest companions and darlings that endure, and they are secretly happy and cheerful.
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Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd
Joy and happiness aren’t permitted in the Virgo mindset. Virgo is the unhappiest sign of the zodiac, mostly hopeless sign in the Zodiac. The self-hate that they practice every day regularly discovers out of their framework through its projection onto other people. The genuine satisfaction Virgo feels is the point at which they’ve harmed somebody with words. They look for rushes in putting others down — that is their satisfaction.
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