The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

The Best Alcohol Drink For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Drinking alcohol can make any kind of day good. Likewise, individuals, with their often crazy and sometimes good habits can drain the delight out of life or make it nicer.
So, we have tag each zodiac sign with different kinds of alcohol available to us on different occasions, based upon their sun signs. While some of them were astonishing, some of them were pretty true.


Aries-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Aries: March 21st – April 19th

Aries, you are courageous and energetic, however, most of the days you end up doing silly things. So, Tequila is the best alcoholic drink for Aries zodiac.



Taurus-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Taurus: April 20th – May 20th

Taurus, you pretend to be classy but you just put a mask to hide the fact that you can’t hold your booze. And that’s why Red wine is the best alcoholic drink for Taurus Zodiac sign.


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Gemini-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

Gemini you are alike beer, in the sense you want to get drunk but you also don’t want the hangover. So tell your fucking self what you want. So, Beer alcoholic drink is best for Geminis.



Cancer-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

Cancer your are sensitive and emotional being but like white wine, most individuals don’t want you around. And that’s why white wine is the best alcoholic drink for Cancer Zodiac sign


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Leo-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd

Leo, you love to be on the limelight and that why you want everyone to choose you over everyone else. But guess what! The hangover suck. And that’s the reason Whiskey being your best alcoholic drink.



Virgo-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd

Virgo, you are the strong and silent type. You can fuck people over and they won’t see it coming. And that’s the reason Baileys being your best alcoholic drink.


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Libra-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

Libra, we know that you like to be charming but guess what? You have got to try harder. So, Vodka is the best alcoholic drink for you Libra.



Scorpio-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

Scorpio, you always throw yourself in everyone’s face to prove how strong you are but your don’t need to do that. Can you tell me why has everything got to be so extreme with you? And that’s the reason Absinthe being your best alcoholic drink.


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Sagittarius-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st

Sagittarius, you think you’re perfect but actually, you don’t have many takers. Stop being such an old fuck and get a life. So we can say Scotch is the best alcoholic drink for Sags.



Capricorn-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th

Capricorn, you just want to reach the top and in this process, you keep on moving. So, you are like a Breezer, Move along. Nobody cares.


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Aquarius-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th

Aquarius, you pretend to be something else. And those who fall for you don’t know what they are going up for. And that’s the reason Gin being the best alcoholic drink for Aquarians.



Pisces-The best alcohol drink for you based on your zodiac sign

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th

Pisces, you aren’t afraid to be underestimated because, honestly, you like surprising people. And that’s the reason Jagermeister being your best alcoholic drink for Pisces.


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