Thursday, 22nd December Horoscope
Today you may have some problem with your transport. If you are going for an important job, double-check your alternative mode of transport and keep a backup plan ready.
Your organization may send you to a different place or your visa approval for work purposes may come in today.
Today few people will try to influence you by giving false hope but do not pay attention to their false promises.
You may decide to dress up perfectly today to impress your beloved. whatever hairstyle you do or dress up it will add charm to your look and personality.
Stir away from any arguments today. Let it be a calm day for you.

Your near ones might fall ill or may show symptoms of sickness. Cough and cold might be there for you also. Take care of yourself and your family members.
Today there is a strong possibility that you might receive good news regarding your job prospectus. You might call for an interview from your dream company.
You will require a lot of patience to deal with your partner today. Do not quarrel with your partner today as this might disturb the peace and harmony of your relationship.
You might receive some unexpected good news regarding your career or personal life and it will result in a financial gain for you.
Today you might experience some typical symptoms of a typical illness. Consult a doctor if required,
You need to take special precautions against drinking water and other fluids because there is a chance that you might get sick from any fluid material today.
The expectation of good news is there for you today. This will surely bring smiles to your lips and tears to your eyes.