
Four things that will prove women are better than men

Here are the four things that will prove women are better than men.


women are better than men

1. Multitasking

Indeed we women are good at multitasking than men we can manage work, home, family, friends without any difficulties and leave no room for mistakes. Furthermore, at the same time we can cook, take care of a kid, and take notes.


women are better than men

2. Good memories

Its fact that we women have good memories as compared to men, we can remember all the stuff from grocery list to the moment when we first met somebody.


women are better than men

3. Better at communication

We women are often accused of speaking excessively but the fact is that on a day we can speak three times more than men. We are bold and logical while speaking and we always speak from the mind.


Also Read : Five things every woman must do in her lifetime

women are better than men

4. Handle anxiety in better way

We women can think logically and as a result of this, we can handle anxiety in a better way as compared to men. We can be emotional at a moment but once we stop being emotional than we can think distinctly and can retard to be calmer at the times of misfortune.