Invest On Your Daughter's Business Rather Than Saving It For Her Wedding

Invest On Your Daughter’s Business Rather Than Saving It For Her Wedding

Why not make your daughter capable of handling business rather than handling the kitchen?


Our country needs women entrepreneurs rather than flashy weddings. Most of the people consider the wedding day as the most important day of one’s life without any logical lookout. It is a big question that strikes minds like what is big about it, why it makes the girl parents think about it from the day that girl was born. Like really one needs all this show off stuff or one needs individuals to live their dream. Especially for girls, her wedding day is considered to be greater than any other festival which her parents are preparing from years, planning, saving from the day she was born. And no one can change this tradition no matter what planning the girl has made for herself or what her dreams are.


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All these put stress, a burden on the girl parents and at the same time, it proves to be a hindrance on the way of woman’s growth, even as a barrier for a woman to achieve financial independence. Even the community plays a role in increasing the burden by setting a benchmark for the wedding. A number of pre-wedding plans, wedding plans and even after that too some more which the bride and bridegroom’s family needs to follow this protocol. Help her to grow as an individual than to make her grow individuals.


Even if there is a lack of resources they need to arrange it in any way or else it is like breaking the norms of the society, disrespecting them. It is painful to know that the girl parents need to save the fund since they were infants. It is funny to know that all this shallow pretentious ceremony covers all the big ambitions of a girl. One can agree to it that the biggest problem lies in the root the way our society views marriage. Happiness doesn’t demand expense they demand togetherness, friends, family is what is needed to enjoy that moment, not the unnecessary expenditure is taken off to please the society at the cost of making the bridal parents bankrupt.


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Why not make her to live her dreams than to kill her dreams for your needs?


Wedding is important but it is one of the many milestones of life and not the only one. If only celebration is what a society demands even there are special days like your daughter’s first day at school, her graduation, her impactful work at an NGO, her first job, her promotion and many more such moments in life also demand to be celebrated. Don’t you think even all these needs celebration or they are not worth honouring?


Parents are ready to spend their hard-earned money on their daughter’s wedding but will not invest any to make her dreams come true, to honour her achievements. As soon as they reach the age of 24 they are asked to plan for a wedding, instead of wedding why not plan for her career, her business. It’s a high time for parents to understand that girl education is not a degree to get a good groom rather it is her achievement to do something for her own self. Why not make her capable enough to be an independent girl, why not help her to fly high with wings to succeed in life. Instead of planning for the wedding day, instead of saving for her wedding, save for her career, invest in her business. It will be fruitful, it will be satisfying. Don’t get blind by the norms of the society as nothing comes first than your daughter’s happiness.


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It is parents who can show a better picture of the world to their kids, if they are capable enough to make her daughter independent and break that norm of saving for her wedding, grand wedding, if this happens the same trend will be followed and we will see that a girl won’t be lagged behind, will be an independent girl financially, we will see a better picture in the world, all you need to do is to help her grow. The wedding can wait, but the zeal to achieve success won’t. Save for her business instead of saving for her wedding, you will see the capability your daughter hold as an individual.


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